There's a wealth of fantastic guest posts here at the Cara Sutra sex blog which cover just as diverse an array of sexuality topics as my own sex tips and advice posts. These guest submissions are marked as such to help you differentiate between the different authors writing for the site.
Click here to publish a guest post or insert a sponsored link into an existing post at Cara Sutra.
Guest posts published here at Cara Sutra may be sponsored submissions, which doesn’t mean they’re any less interesting or valuable in terms of the sex advice and informative content they provide. These sponsored guest features cover subjects such as sex and masturbation tips, the use of sex dolls, dating, escorts and other sex work, adult product guides and general adult lifestyle pieces.
There are various submissions to the site which are non-sponsored, too. Some of my good friends in the adult industry are also talented sex writers, and they have kindly offered their insightful features to me to publish on the blog. These may be sexy stories, sex tips & advice, or BDSM articles providing the real kinkster point of view on the given topic.
As mentioned above, you can publish a guest post or insert a sponsored link into existing content - find all the details here. Interested in advertising on my site? Please click to find all the details my advertising services.