Nexus Titus Prostate Massager Review

4 out of 10

Nexus Titus Prostate Massager Review

By Kali Rose

The Nexus Titus Prostate Massager (in white for me also comes in black, red and purple) is a “prostate massager with a ribbed shaft for extra sensation, stainless steel roller ball for perineum stimulation and a pebble shaped head for precision pleasure.”


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Nexus Titus Prostate Massager March 2016 Pleasure Panel Review

So it took me until the Nexus Titus Prostate Massager to realise that I don’t like a box that doesn’t stand up. Maybe it was meant for a different toy because not only did it say ‘red’ on the barcode but the box was scratched and looked like it had been fiddled with (not in a good way). The design and pattern is nice but, come on, who designs a box that falls over when you put it on the counter?

Nexus Titus Prostate Massager Review Kali Rose Cara Sutra Pleasure Panel-1

However the redemption process kicked off with a powerful start when I opened the instructions; It starts with a little bit of blurb about hygiene and preparation then goes into detailed guidance about the ‘procedure’. While it could be accused of being a little clinical the focus is on slowing down, relaxing, breathing, taking it easy and being gentle with yourself to reach and enjoy the full potential of deep and prolonged orgasms. A refreshing change in a world of instant gratification.

However signs of redemption disappeared when I remembered that this was the toy that boldly exclaimed it ‘refuses to let you play nicely’ I was confused and annoyed about the mixed messages. Am I meant to be nice or nasty???

Nexus Titus Prostate Massager Review Kali Rose Cara Sutra Pleasure Panel-3

Anyway, we got down to business with open minds. I enlisted the help of my partner seeing as though I didn’t have a prostate last time I checked.
After lots of licking and sucking he was excited and ready for the Nexus Titus Prostate Massager but sadly the process didn’t go so well…

While everyone loves a phthalate free product, this polypropylene has a rough surface, which even with plenty of lube doesn’t take away from the unnecessarily chafey feeling upon insertion. Sadly this statement extends to the ribs that are meant to be for pleasure. This toy helped us to decide that we definitely prefer softer and more malleable anal toys.

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Using the little handle I manoeuvred the steel roller ball into his perineum which he said felt nice but nothing out of the ordinarily.

The shaft of the Nexus Titus Prostate Massager is quite long, meaning the pebble – which is meant to directly target the prostate – would slip right by the hotspot on most guys.

We persevered on but unfortunately it just wasn’t hitting the spot for him so eventually we abandoned Titus and got down to some good old-fashioned lovemaking. This whole scenario repeated itself the next time we tried.

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The Nexus Titus Prostate Massager design, with its pebble shaped head and rollerball massager is overly specific and inflexible (because of the hard material) so if you don’t happen to have an anal cavity, prostate and perineum that match these exact dimensions, then poor you because this just isn’t going to hit the spot.
However if this is the case and you have a play partner with female anatomy you may wish to look for bonus uses and be lucky enough (like me! 🙂 to find compatibility between the pebble-head and the G spot, and the rollerball and the clitoris!

The little white hook/clip thing is to pop the rollerball out so it can get a decent clean.

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So in conclusion… The Nexus Titus Prostate Massager does look cool, though not as cool in white as the other colours. The message and communication is confusing although it offers some lovely advice on gentle self pleasuring. The material itself isn’t comfortable and the design feels over complicated. So in general it’s kind of fun but I wouldn’t recommend it.

– Kali Rose

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Discover this and the rest of the effective, multi award-winning Nexus range of prostate massagers, anal toys & sex accessories through the links below:


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Thanks so much to and for sending this item free of charge, in exchange for a fair & honest review here at the Cara Sutra sex blog.

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