UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood Review
By StickyWicket
Today I want to share my review of the UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood provided by & available from UberKinky.
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This is my favourite toy out of the box, and at the time I purchased it the price was over £100 making it one of the most expensive bondage items we have purchased.
I researched and read up on bondage hoods before settling for this UberKinky BDSM hood. This is really a couple’s toy but it can be used for solo play – the major caveat with this is there is only a small hole for breathing and safety applies massively. You don’t want to be trapped in this thing with no way of getting out otherwise it can be claustrophobic at best, at worst it can cause you real danger in breathing. Safety first folks.
The biggest turn-on about the UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood is the sensory deprivation and hugging it causes around your head. It’s a real mind-fuck. There is padding around the eyes, cheeks and mouth, along with ears. The strings at the back of the hood cause a nice close fit. Then two belts can be pulled tight which really wraps this thing around your eyes and mouth. There’s no glimmer of light and your breathing can literally be paused with one fingertip from your master if you’re tied up with the hood on.
There’s also a third belt that goes around the neck giving a nice sense of compete surrender.
A number of harness points can be used on the hood including around the neck.
One really good feature of the UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood is the small holes around the belts that can be padlocked once you’re tied in. If your master wants you to be free but still in their control, they can simply put this hood on you, padlock you in and they keep the key. No way out.
The snug fitting of the UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood really makes you feel astoundingly naked once you remove the hood. Wearing it feels tight and like the whole world is shut out from you. I love the belts getting as tight as possible and my master teasing me beyond what I think I’m capable of.
As a small modification, it is possible to breathe very slightly through the nose but it’s not pleasant and feels a bit unrestricted for me, so we have a swimming nose grip to wear at the same time whilst the hood’s on. This is pretty comfortable and we can go for ages like this. As a further modification, you can still hear sound muffled through the ear padding. Wearing silicone ear plugs before the hood is placed on makes this even more of a mind fuck.
There’s rarely a toy I’d give a full 10/10 – but for the UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood I’d go so far as 11/10. It is pure torture in leather and well worth an investment.
– StickyWicket
Where To Buy
Thanks to Pleasure Panel reviewer StickyWicket for this contributed review of the UberKinky Sensory Deprivation Leather Bondage Hood.
This review contains affiliate links.