MEO are a Germany-based online sex shop offering a huge variety of intensely erotic sex toys and sexy accessories. Our reviews give you the low-down on many of their fetish toys and BDSM gear, and I hope you enjoy learning more about them and our experiences.
With such a vast array of sex products available on their website, it is no surprise that our reviews reflect this diversity. You will find feedback about classic sex toys such as vibrators, dildos, butt plugs and prostate massagers, as well as more extreme and hardcore BDSM toys. Bondage collars, puppy play toys, iron maiden spiked ball stretchers and cock rings, heavy-weight spanking paddles and electrosex toys are amongst those reviewed here at the Cara Sutra sex blog.
The sex toy tester community have enjoyed putting plenty of sex toys through their paces in these reviews and providing their honest thoughts and opinions below for you to peruse and enjoy. Click through the buttons provided to discover the sex shop for yourself and buy some exciting new sex toys and bondage gear for your personal pleasure collection.
MEO's sex shop is easy to navigate and buy from, allowing you to toggle between currencies and with a safe and secure checkout. Register for a user account so it is easy to come back and place more exciting orders whenever you wish. The customer service team are helpful and friendly, plus you can find MEO on social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook too.
I hope you enjoy all our reviews, and your next erotic shopping experience at