Kinky Watersports: Golden Showers & Piss Play Guide
Does mention of water sports conjure up innocent images of surfing and jet skis -or raise a knowing smirk? For the non-vanilla activity (kinky watersports), “golden showers” and “piss play” are probably more familiar terms to most, thanks to tabloid coverage of various celebrity/political scandals, as well as good old internet porn.
Although I’m fairly sure that watersports won’t ever reach my top 5 hottest kinks and fetishes list, it is something I’ve experimented with in the past. With the right person, in the right situation (the shower, usually…), such an intimate play session can feel intensely raunchy and arousing.
What Are Watersports And Golden Showers?
To sum it up? Piss play. The terms aren’t entirely interchangeable, because a golden shower is the specific act of urinating on someone else or being urinated on, while ‘watersports’ is the umbrella term for various urine-based intimate pleasure acts.
Therefore, watersports covers a multitude of activities, really only limited by 1) your imagination and 2) sensible safety aspects. We’ll get to those in a while. Deciding to explore piss play can feel less of an enormous step into the kinky unknown if you start off small. For example, you could practise weeing in front of your partner (some people experience bladder shyness), then step it up to weeing on them. And/or vice versa, however it works best for you.
If you so choose, this could be ramped up to bathing in urine –or at least, water you/they have urinated in. I can wee a lot, but probably not enough to fill an entire bathtub.
Some people like the idea, then the reality, of imbibing urine; drinking either your own or your chosen play partner’s pee. It may be enjoyed as a kink in its own right, solo or with company, or only in response to the consensually accepted demands of a power play session or D/s relationship.
The BDSM aspect of watersports could take various forms –such as simply demanding someone wee for or on you, as mentioned earlier. Or it could be linked to a specific fetish, such as ‘diaper lovers’. Those who love wearing diapers (nappies, here in the UK) might have an adult baby fetish, or they could simply just love the diapered element without any of the ageplay components.
Urinating in nappies, either for self-pleasure or to be changed by a partner, could be adapted to facilitate an enforced urination kink or session. Enforced urination (ordered to ‘hold it in’ until the person wets themselves, or placed in bondage so visiting a toilet is impossible, with the same humiliating outcome) is considered a highly erotic act for some BDSMers. It’s another avenue of consensual control -with humiliation, voyeuristic, exhibitionist and taboo features all leading to an intense power exchange situation.
Why Do Some People Enjoy Piss Play?
It’s intriguing why piss play is such an intoxicating turn-on for many. Weeing is such a basic function, seen by the majority simply as a necessity of life, rather than a potentially sexually gratifying activity.
I’ve covered some of the main areas of watersports and golden showers activities above, along with a few of the ways practitioners enjoy those acts. What about the motivations behind involving urine in sexual or other adult, intimate enjoyment scenarios? What is it about watersports in all its forms that some people love?
Kink For The Sensation
It may simply be a love of the sensations involved which brings the watersports fan back to pee-based activities time and again.
Enjoying the urge to urinate, the feeling of being urinated on, or wetting oneself in clothes/diapers/bondage, or freely, without any covering at all. After all, emptying one’s bladder is a relief of that pressure inside, while the liquid leaving the body is warm and can make a wet mess. There’s lots of sensory enjoyment potential here.
The Taboo Element
Watersports is viewed as a more extreme sexual practice, and enjoyment of piss play can incorporate arousal from knowing how it’s viewed by society in general –and doing it anyway. Rebellion can be such a rush!
Weeing for or on someone else, or being urinated on, may seem like a humiliating proposition. From childhood, our toileting is taught to be a very private affair; only done behind closed and locked doors, with no one else present. Humiliation, as an intense mental, emotional and physical rush, is closely linked to almost overwhelming arousal in some people.
Dominance & Submission
Perhaps golden showers and watersports is more than a taboo enjoyment or sensory fulfilment -it could be a fully fledged fetish. As part of a BDSM relationship, watersports may well be discussed as a potential activity to be incorporated into future play sessions.
After honest, open discussion and with your active consent, you may decide to try something new in order to expand your kinky adventuring -and to please your Dominant, if you’re in the submissive role. Or maybe, after a little gentle experimentation at your own pace, you’ll discover it’s not for you after all.
Consensual watersports as part of D/s power exchange can be an extremely thrilling journey. The sensation, taboo, humiliation plus power play components layer and combine, to create a truly unforgettable kinky play session.
Is Piss Play Safe?
This is a completely understandable question. After all, urine is a waste product of the body and we flush it away several times a day. At the point it leaves the body, urine is almost completely sterile. If the urine contains no traces of blood, it’s unable to transmit HIV or STIs. It’s good practice to get regularly checked, however –and to make sure you’re aware of your partner’s status, too. Informed choice is a big part of active consent.
If enjoying watersports where urine will be imbibed, hydration levels of both the ‘urinator’ and the ‘drinker’ should be considered. Being well hydrated will not only mean you can provide a good amount of urine for your piss play, but that the urine will be as diluted as possible. Imbibing from mid-stream will help the ‘drinker’ maintain good health, as any urethral bacteria is flushed out at the start of the flow. The ‘drinker’ should also make sure they are well-hydrated; drinking urine is a dehydrating activity so keep an eye on your own water levels.
Other than the physical health factors, make sure you keep mentally healthy and happy too. Go at your own pace; don’t feel pressured into doing anything you might not want to do, simply because you feel it’s ‘expected’, ‘planned’ or ‘demanded’ of you. Of course that advice goes for any intimate/sexual activity.
In situations where the word ‘no’ might be part of ‘faux reluctance’ roleplay, make sure you’ve set a different safeword that means stop, or else have traffic lights in play (“red” = stop, “amber” = stop a moment while we discuss how to proceed, “green” = I’m all good, thanks!).
How To Avoid Making A Mess
…Unless you want to, obviously! Most of us don’t want to end up with a puddle of wee on the mattress, or to trudge through urine-sodden carpet, no matter how sexy the watersports session was. Our main ‘mess avoidance’ technique in this regard is to restrict watersports to the shower (we find it easier to manoeuvre in there rather than in the bath), so you can get filthy, get clean, get out and dry -and have all the memories without any of the mess.
Fluid-proof sheets are brilliant for protecting your mattress (read our Sheets of San Francisco reviews), but be aware that they’re 100% fluid-proof so any urine or other liquids will simply sit atop the material. Having a bunch of towels handy to mop up can help in that regard –or one of the larger Cumpanion sex towels from Anna Rae (find our Cumpanion sex towel review).
There are other options such as using paddling pools and specially made watersports/sploshing pool/mat kits, but these all require space to set up. Balancing them on your bed could be a little precarious. We’ll stick with enjoying watersports in the shower.
How about you?
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My partner likes to piss on me after fucking my ass. I then suck his cock while he does so. I really enjoy swallowing his piss and cum.
My Master has ordered me to drink my own pee every time I pee. Are there any health reasons not to do that that often? Is that much pee bad for you?
Hello – I have no medical training so I can’t give you definitive medical advice, and please don’t rely on my guidance. However I would not ask this of my submissives or slaves as it feels safer as an occasional thing. If taking your own urine back into your body every time, you’ll need to at least be thoroughly hydrated with clean water so that your body can do its best to process the urine and any toxins that remain in it. If you are feeling uncomfortable with your Dom’s order then you need to speak to them about this – either safe out or ‘amber’ so that a better way forwards can be discussed.