Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring Review
By Bondagegod1
I do own several different styles and materials of cock rings. The Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring is a style of product I haven’t experienced. I was pleased when I was selected to test the ring from March Pleasure Panel round, which arrived from Loving Joy via Cara Sutra.
The packaging for the cock and ball ring is ideal to hold the ring as it arrived inside a small clear plastic bag, which is securely held closed by a Loving Joy branded cardboard tab.
The cock and ball ring has a lightweight feel to the three strongly conjoined shiny metal rings. Each individual ring does feel perfectly smooth, as they all have there own size dimensions as the inner diameter are 1.5”,1.8”, 2”.
Though it does look a tricky affair to position my penis and testicles in the triple rings. It is actually a fairly simple task which can be completed within 5 minutes. I prefer to slip the ring on without using lube. If required then simply lube yourself up before attempting to slip the ring on.
The easiest way to slip the cock and ball ring on is to feed your testicles through the medium sized hole and continue in the same manner as you position them through the large 2” ring. While remaining flaccid now is the time to slip your penis through the smallest ring as all three rings are now gathered in there final position.
Which is the big ring surrounds your testicles, while the middle ring is positioned behind your testicles and completing the set is the smallest ring which sits at the base of your shaft.
As my erection began to grow there were several factors that gave me an instant liking to this particular ring. The appearance it brings to my penis is of a kinky element as the steel surrounds me to leave me looking impressively larger as the tightness is evident.
As I am now tightly fitted around my shaft and testicles inside the steel rings as my blood flow is instantly reduced to a telling effect. Particularly as I first penetrated my wife she could feel the extra firmness that were being brought to my penis. This resulted in the pleasure she enjoyed during sex especially as the session lasted considerably longer as the timescale where I would reach climax were significantly delayed. This allowed for both of us to enjoy longer lasting sex.
When we both reached orgasm the feeling we experienced were of a heightened nature because of the hardness of my erection as the triple rings each do their own job. In which there is a extra intensity brought to our pleasure as I reached orgasm there is a slower release to my climax as we jointly share the satisfaction. As this ring really knows how to bring a larger, firmer feel to my penis for a session of pure intense pleasure.
Even after I had enjoyed my climax the Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring maintained my erection for sex to continue for a lengthy period afterwards as we both were enjoying the benefits the triple ring is bringing to our bedroom activities.
Removal of the cock and ball ring afterwards is the hardest part of using the ring as it can be slightly difficult to slip the ring off especially working your testicles back through the two rings. Working In a reverse motion firstly slide your penis out of the smallest ring and then slowly work your testicles back through the large ring and medium ring to release yourself from the rings.
The rings do clean up easily as I wash them over with a sex toy cleaner and warm water to remove any liquid off the steel. As they simply wash and dry up easily ready to be worn again.
Overall the Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring has become one of the best cock rings I have owned. As the rings delivered in style as they fit perfectly tight around my shaft and testicles. To leave me looking larger and feel considerably firmer. That does resulted in a high level of stimulation for both us as we enjoyed a longer lasting intense session as these triple rings are really bound to please. They are available at a fantastic bargain price to purchase at only £12.95 directly from Loving Joy.
I’d like to thank Cara for sending me the Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring in exchange an honest review; this in no way influences my opinions which are my own.
I can highly recommend this Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring, which is why I am giving it a rating of 8/10.
– Bondagegod1
Where To Buy
Many thanks to Bondagegod1 for this review of the Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring.
The Loving Joy Bound to Please Triple Cock and Ball Ring was sent free of charge, in exchange for a fair and honest review by the Cara Sutra team. Contains affiliate links.