Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers Review
I have been searching for the perfect nipple clamps, so when the friendly team over at Bondara asked me to choose what I’d like to review next, I headed straight to the nipple stimulation toys area. The idea of nipple suction plus vibration was incredibly alluring, instead of standard nipple clamps which are non-motorised and rely on spring or screw pressure to deliver intense stimulation to this sensitive part of the body. Eventually deciding on the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers, I eagerly awaited their arrival so I could test them out.

Related: All our nipple clamp reviews | our Bondara reviews
How It Feels
It is difficult for me to find any redeeming features in these nipple suckers. There’s one simple reason why I don’t like them: they don’t work for me. I can’t see them working for anyone, really, but I can only write this review from my own point of view and based on my own experiences.
I was excited to start using the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers, despite realising when the toy arrived that it’s battery-powered instead of rechargeable, and the controller is wired to the suction cups rather than wireless. No matter, I thought, I’ve had some great times with battery and wired sex toys in the past. And I must clarify that the reason I don’t like these nipple suckers isn’t due to the battery operation or the wired controller – although I do feel a rechargeable and cordless type would be a major improvement. However, this would undoubtedly increase the retail price.
No, the reason I don’t like the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers isn’t down to the power or wired facets, it’s because the suction element of the toy doesn’t work. Or at least, they don’t suction to my breasts at all. The suction element relies on one small hole above the rubber pump part of the suckers, where air is drawn out of the suction cup and down into the rubber bulb when placing a sucker over the nipple ready to play. This is supposed to cause a vacuum in the cup, sealing the sucker to the nipple, holding it there in place so you can enjoy the vibrating element as well as the tantalising suction to your sensitive nipples.
In reality, this small hole plus rubber bulb design doesn’t cause nearly enough of a vacuum to seal the sucker cups to actual skin (they stick much better to the TPR, and laid flat & very still, material of my sex doll). The edging of the cups, lined as they are with a black TPR material to cover the plastic edge, adds zero effectiveness to the suction. In fact, because this lining can and does move, it probably hinders the quest for an effective vacuum inside the cups, instead of helping.
I managed on some occasions to get a sucker to attach (just the one, trying to get two on at once would have been pushing it) briefly. I then tried to add in the vibration using the remote control. The sucker fell off immediately. Another issue had been revealed: the weight of the motor plus the movement of the vibration causes the suction cup to detach, even if you do manage to get one to stay in place for a few seconds.
In addition, the instructions provided with the toy inside the box bear very little relevance to the product. It does say it’s a “general specification for all kinds of our products” which makes me wonder what the point of including it is. The leaflet goes on to list various types of sex toy by category (3 mystifying categories: men, women and flirting) then talks about USB power supply or battery power supply, all the different buttons you could encounter on your toy, and all the different functions. The instructions are about as much use as the actual product, which is the only connection I can find between them.
This instruction leaflet was clearly written by someone who doesn’t have English as their first language, probably someone who works for general product supply factories in China. I would ideally like to see an improvement where the instruction leaflet is written (or at least copy-edited) by someone from the actual UK-based Bondara team. To be entirely honest, I would ideally like to talk to a few people from Bondara after they themselves have taken this product home and attempted to use it. As it stands, especially at its £29.99 retail price but at any price really, this product shouldn’t have a place on the Bondara shelves. My opinion, my experiences: it’s absolutely awful, it doesn’t work and I couldn’t even use the thing, never mind try to enjoy it.
Extremely disappointing experience – my search for the perfect nipple clamps continues!
Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers Video
A short video showing the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers ‘in real life’ and how to operate them. What isn’t shown: my many unsuccessful and frustrating attempts to get even one of them to stay attached to my nipple.
Back to the drawing board with these. I would like to see this item removed from the Bondara collection, because I would hate for any actual customers to suffer disappointment when there are so many brilliant Bondara sex toys to purchase and experience.
The Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers remind me of my first explorations into sex toys, back in the 1990s – and with the battery operation, the hindrance of a wire and the lack of effectiveness of the sex toy itself, there’s plenty of similarity.
If I’d bought these, I would be requesting a refund. They’re less ‘Get Pumped’ and more ‘Get Something Else’. Avoid!
Buy Yours Today
If, despite all the above, you want to check out the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers for yourself, click through the button below to discover them at Bondara:
General Info & Specs
The Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers product has a PU-coated, ABS plastic controller, with TPR-lined, ABS plastic suction cups. It is latex and phthalates-free.
It is stated to offer 7 vibrating patterns, with varying vibrating speeds, controlled by the button plus twist-dial operation on the controller.
Each suction cup has a diameter of 40 inches. The wire length is 40 inches. This product isn’t waterproof.
Packaging / Unboxing
Outer packaging from Bondara was discreet as always – just a plain brown box, with no mention of Bondara or sex toys on the box or label.
Inside the postal box, my sex toy was packed snugly with recyclable packaging materials, keeping it safe through transit and delivery.
The product box is recognisable as part of the Bondara collection, with mainly black colour throughout and the Bondara logo on the front and top. Some generic information is on the rear, while a small label bears the specific product code for the toy within.
In The Box
Inside the box I found the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers, the controller and the instruction leaflet.
Instructions / Guide
3 x AAA batteries, inserted into the controller as shown:
Operation / Controls
Operation is via the button and twist-dial on the controller, which has LEDs that light up as you scroll through the various settings.
Buy Yours
Find the Bondara Get Pumped Vibrating Nipple Suckers by clicking through the button below:
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