Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle Review

10 out of 10

Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle Review

By Crimescene

I had never tried a massage candle before. I had previous experience of candle play which had ended badly. Since then I was very wary of candles that claimed they wouldn’t damage the skin (I had used candles that claimed to not damage yet was left in pain with a burn/scar). Massage candles however, seemed to be quite popular and marketed for use in a different way. I had pondered them for quite a while when, whilst placing an order on Lovehoney, I saw this little candle tin pop up in a ‘3 for £10’ offer. I decided to try the Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle and I am quite glad that I did.


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The Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle comes in a 60g/2oz tin. The top label features a picture of vanilla as it is vanilla flavoured, and the Lovehoney Oh! logo.

The bottom of the Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle tin has a sticker that contains lots of the usual information. It informs you about candle safety, how to use and the ingredients the candle contains. It also tells you that the candle is suitable for vegans (which helped me decided whether to purchase it in the first place) and that it is free from glycerine and parabens. It reminds you the candle oil is not a contraceptive as well. Overall the candle is made from pretty natural ingredients but of course, if any irritation occurs then discontinue use immediately.

Trying Out The Candle

I wasn’t necessarily planning on using the candle on my partner. It’s not something we had ever done before and I think it’s fair to say I bought the candle more out of curiosity after my bad experience. I decided to try some on my leg and it is fair to say I was feeling quite unsure about the whole thing.

Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle Review

As it was the first time burning the Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle, I let it burn until there was a considerable amount of wax/oil in an even pool. I blew the candle out then waited a few seconds, or maybe even a minute. The oil doesn’t set particularly quick, so you don’t need to rush.

Pleasant Sensations

Finally, I dribbled some on to my thigh (I chose this spot because it is fleshy and if it burned/scarred it was in a less visible place). I felt quite a pleasant cooling sensation with no burning whatsoever! Needless to say, I felt extreme relief.

Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle Review

The oil spreads really easily, to the point where you would not know it had come from a candle at all. It doesn’t absorb quickly but if you were providing a massage it would be enough to keep things lubricated without drying out too fast. The scent of vanilla is also rather pleasant without being too overwhelming.

Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle Review


I am actually really pleased that I bought the Lovehoney Oh Vanilla Massage Candle. It’s a bargain for the price, animal friendly, and could easily pass as a normal candle in vanilla settings.


– Crimescene

Where To Buy

Thanks to our reviewer above for this product review. Shop for yours through the links below:


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